Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sitting here on the eve of March first wondering where the last 2 months have gone? I think that time moves faster the older that we get. When we're younger it's always about looking ahead to being old enough to do the next thing whether it be riding your bike with friends in the neighborhood, driving out of town for the first time, and going away to college. My 18 year old self was always looking ahead to the next thing that I had placed on my "list of things to do before I'm 30." I never made a hard copy of this but was always cognisent of what I had planned next. I've been able to check a number of things off, have added new things along the way, and did things that my 18 year old self had never thought of. My type A personality and my incessant need for plans, lists, and post-it notes have gotten me far (along with a VERY supportive family system) and in many ways I feel content with my accomplishments thus far as I look ahead to the magic number of 30. (Yes I know I still have to hit #29, but really at this point it may as well be 30 as that is all I can think about). I do wish that my 18 year old self (yes there is a part of her that I still carry with me) could be accepting of not doing EVERYTHING on her list by the time she is 30. That might give the almost 29 year old version of myself a better piece of mind. I'm finding that my thoughts and feelings float from those of my 18 year old self, through my twenties, up until present time and wonder how the decade has gone by. I find myself nostalgic for the college years and the time in my 20's where I was still trying to figure life out-post student. The 18 year old me thought that she would feel adult and grown-up with all the answers by the time she was 30. The 28 year old me would like to tell miss 18 year old how naieve she is. As I spend the next 2 months hitting the breaks on time and turning 29 and then spending the next year in denial that yes I will turn that magic number 30, I hope to work on acceptance of the here and now and the understanding that lists should be made in pencil with opportunities to erase and spaces to add on to. I've added something to one of my empty spaces- I'm going to be running my first half marathon at the end of June. Yes I know that I am not the runner in the family, and although I do enjoy physical activity, running is not my strong suit. Thanks to my wonderful sister, she not only gave me the idea to run but also created a personal training schedule for me. Starting tomorrow for 17 weeks I will be working on bettering the almost 29 year old version of myself physically and mentally and hopefully giving myself piece of mind for the final year before reaching that magic number.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Go Nicole :) Your 30 year old self will be saying, "more half marathons please!"