Sunday, March 7, 2010

Elvis In Seattle

We saw Elvis this weekend. Bet that sentence catches your attention. :-) I guess what I should have said is that we saw Elvis impersonators running down the street- followed by mimes, cowboys, and a group dressed up in capes. The nice weather on Saturday brought everyone out; and I mean everyone. Joe's friend Matt and his wife Brianna were visiting this weekend as they had a wedding to attend here in Seattle and stayed with us. Yesterday was so nice that we went out for a walk earlier in the day and found ourselves sitting outside a coffee shop enjoying the sunshine. That was when Elvis crossed our path. At first we just laughed as we have seen just about everything on Capitol Hill. It was when the mimes ran by afterwards that we figured out that there was a scavenger hunt going on and we helped out just a little bit as the groups were having difficulty finding a little cafe around the corner. I happen to love the crepes there and were happy to point them in the right direction.
I also completed my first week of training. Thanks to Lauren, the schedule was very doable. After Tuesdays' run I definitely felt it in my legs. By Friday I was ready for my "easy walk" (as described on my schedule). I was down in Tacoma for the day attending a workshop on Stuttering and knew that I might not make it back in time for daylight. I improvised by walking around the mall in heels for 45 minutes. That's gotta count for something right? I think my trainer mentioned that I get extra point for the heels. :-) And I happened to pick up a cute skirt on my walk so I consider that multi-tasking at its best. :-)

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