Monday, April 12, 2010

Thank you Amanda for pointing out my 3 week absence. :-) After my trip out east and then settling in last week I completely forgot to update last night. Luckily I'm now back on track. I really enjoyed my Spring Break visiting with friends, getting my baby fix, and of course seeing so much of my family. Miss you guys! With the exception of the unexpected snowstorm I drove through (is Mother Nature trying to tell me something?) it was a wonderful trip. As I waited at Newark Airport for my return flight I sat looking out the window staring at the New York City skyline and felt nostalgic for Broadway musicals and roasted peanuts from the street vendor. I made friends with the girl sitting next to me who is from Washington and just spent her first time in NYC on a solo trip. I was eager to hear what she did and so she got out her map and took me through her week. I gave her credit for spending the whole week alone in New York. After my celebrity sighting in Chicago (Rick Fox from the Lakers) I was hoping to double my luck and spot someone in Newark. No such luck.
My week brought routine again (and some pretty bad jet lag on Monday). We had an unexpected weather surprise on Thursday- a hail storm like I have never seen! It just kept coming. The preschoolers were in awe and thought it was snow. It's neat to see young minds discovering things for the first time. Luckily the sun made a grand appearance this weekend. I got a nice run in along Green Lake Sunday morning before Joe and I wandered downtown. Of course the nice weather brings out the Seattle spring/summer fashion. There really is nothing like it.
Trying to get through the busy week and prepare for my 8 mile run on the weekend.....the longest so far. Hope I can make it

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