Sunday, February 1, 2009

Only In Seattle........

Only In Seattle.......
- Would people wear shorts and sandals when it hovers around 50
- Would you see men dressed in drag with a full face of makeup wearing a glittery head dress and be the only one to stare (as was my experience on Saturday night)
- Would there be an earthquake at 4.5 and we'd hear about it first from the east coast (thanks Emily! :-)
- Would you see cars that had their windows bashed in, full of crap, with rope tied around it and wonder if it was art
- Would you be forced to pay for yet another garbage can to put food waste into and pay another fee for the garbage man to take away
- Would people be apathetic about the Super Bowl because they are still bitter about the Super Bowl against the Steelers years ago
- Would you get money deducted from your grocery bill for using cloth grocery bags (not complaining there!)

Thought I'd share a few of my observations/experiences from the week.......Gotta love the west coast!
And on one final note I just like to say "GO STEELERS!"

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