Sunday, September 13, 2009

Feels Like An Indian Summer

Dear Mother Nature,
Just because it is now September does not mean that you need to continue giving us summer weather. It feels like an Indian Summer out here and not in a good way! After starting the week off with 70 degree weather, the temperature spiked to the mid 80's leaving me sweaty and confused. Where is my favorite time of year where the sun is out but the air is cool? I doubt that we will be seeing any changing colors on the leaves as they have been brown for months with no life in them left. What am I to think when I have sweat pouring off of me with no reprieve in sight? I have cute cardigans and long sleeve shirts begging me each morning to be let out of the closet for the day only to be rejected for minimal yet "professional" clothing that leaves my arms bare and my body room to breathe. If you're listening Mother Nature please hear my plea.
"Baking" in Seattle

Made it through another four day work week followed by a low key weekend. The kids are settled back into school and now it's time to start focusing. After figuring out the nuts and bolts, it's now time for me to start actual therapy sessions this week. I feel a little pressure as most of my kids I had last year which means they are familiar with most of my materials. I've tried to get the creative juices flowing which is why I will be doing an art project (horse puppets anyone?)with my new kindergartners in an attempt to get them to like me. Bribery at its' finest! I've spent some time at the toy stores, the "teacher" store, and Target looking for some new therapy materials to start me off. I tend to get carried away which is why I spent too much money on everything monkey for a bulletin board. I figure if I'm going to spend hours each day in a room I at least want something cute to look at! Nala was a big help last night as I was making flash cards and she was making a game out of swatting at the excess paper and then making a bed out of paper, index cards, and a magazine. She doesn't let us do anything without her input! (You should see her help us make the bed).
Joe and I made attempts to fain interest in the Seattle Seahawks today and went to a sports bar for the football game. Yes it's fun when the whole restaurant high-fives for good things and "ahs" for the bad but I really could have cared less for the team on the TV. I kept sneaking peaks at the Giants game that was playing on a little screen in the corner. I guess once an sports fan of east coast sports, always a sports fan of east coast sports. (I just won't say that out loud to a Seahawks fan).

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