Sunday, May 31, 2009

Heat Wave In Seattle

There's a heat wave in Seattle! As I was driving to work on Friday morning the VJ announced that it was going to be unseasonably warm for this time of year. By 1 o'clock I understood what she was talking about. We hit temperatures of the low 80's. Now anyone who knows me knows that I don't tolerate heat well. 80 might not seem too high but when paired with zero air condition at work and at home, 80 might as well as be 100. I love the sunshine and it's been out in full force for 9 days straight but the heat and humidity (yes we got some of that too) I can do without. Poor Nala just looks at me with a little pathetic look on her face and spends a lot of time against the porcelin of the bathroom sink. Saturday Joe and I walked down to Pike's Place Market for the annual street fair. It's really a glorified version of the everyday market with more vendors, a stage for performers (have you ever seen a person play what looked like an old washboard with brushes?) and a beer/wine garden by the water. The nice day brought lots of people out. Later in the day Joe went to work and I went to seek solace in the one air conditioned place I could think of-the mall. I love the mall for many reasons but yesterday walking through the doors and feeling that wave of cool hit my face, was the best reason of all. I'm probably jinxing myself typing this and will wake up with rainy and cold weather tomorrow but I can't help it. I did say that if any bad weather is in the forecast I'd like it to happen and get it out of its system before mom and dad come. One just never knows what Mother Nature has in store for us. With such a busy weekend last weekend I was happy to have a low key Saturday night with a glass of wine and a chick flick. I watched "He's Just Not That Into You" and not only smiled often but also fell in love with Ben Affleck all over again. I had a poster of him on my bedroom wall many years ago.
I've got my countdown to the end of the school year....3 weeks and counting (and also my countdown for mom and dad's visit) Cant' wait!

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