Sunday, June 20, 2010

It's been an interesting 72 hours. Last week I was looking forward to the end of school and wondering how I was going to spend my first few days of vacation. Little did I know I would spend day #2 of vacation sitting in the hospital. Joe ended up having his appendix taken out Friday morning after a middle of the night trip to the ER. He started Thursday night with his stomach not feeling right. At 4 am the pain had gotten much worse and by 4:30 we were sitting in the ER waiting for him to be seen. At first they weren't sure if it was a kidney stone or his appendix but after having a CAT scan done his appendix were found to be the source of his pain. After time spent hanging out in an ER room (and getting to see the US soccer game) he was given a room and a surgery time for 10:30 am. By 11:20 the surgeon came out to tell me that all went well and even had pictures (which Joe is thrilled about!) of what his appendix looked like and then how they looked post surgery. The whole time we were at the hospital I was amazed by all the uses of technology. The whole staff was wonderful and we felt in good hands. Joe was home by 7 that night. Being up at 4 truly made it feel like the longest day ever and we were both happy when our heads hit the pillow that night.
Unfortunately Friday was our only day of sunshine and this weekend has been pretty crummy. Perfect for Joe's recovery but I'm starting to feel like I have cabin fever. We had all intentions of watching for the second year in a row the Summer Solstice parade and the naked bicyclers yesterday. Instead our day was spent dozing off in front of movies on the couch. I guess some would consider that good bonding time :-)
Today I had plans to run the "Furry 5k" to support the Seattle animal shelters. They anticipated a total of $150,000 raised so I would consider that a success. All of the commercials with the sad looking animals and Sarah McLachlen singing in the background have really gotten to me. So much so that I either have to leave the room or turn the channel when it comes on. I thought this was a good opportunity to get my run in for the weekend while doing something for the animals at the same time. This was my first official race and just a little warm up for next weekend. It was an interesting mix of runners and their dogs (and those of us without). The dogs were all quite the troopers. Of course it started to rain before we started the race so it was very wet running to say the least. As we started there was lots of barking going on with the dogs talking to one another and it took a few minutes for all of us to find running space on the trail between the dogs and their leashes. I was able to run the 3 miles in under 30 minutes so I was happy about that. Soaken wet but content that my run was done before 11 am, I spent the rest of the afternoon in company with Lifetime movies. It was the perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday. Hopefully waking up to some sunshine tomorrow......

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