Sunday, June 7, 2009

The heat has subsided (for now anyway) and we can finally tolerate being in our apartment once again! This past week was another hot one and temperatures just started to cool (and by cool I mean 70) on Friday afternoon. It was so hard to be at work, be at home, pretty much be anywhere and feel such heat! Who knew that I could actually enjoy sitting in traffic as it was one of the few places that I could have air condition blasting on me. Of course the sun took hiding this weekend and only made brief appearances but for now that is okay with me (at least until mom and dad get here). Joe and I ventured down into the International District yesterday for lunch and then walked into some of the asian stores. I keep rediscovering my love for Asian food. I mean there aren't many ways to go wrong with rice and noodles. :-) We went into this neat Asian antique store with beautifully designed chests, vases, tables, etc. Not one piece could we afford but with the right house there were some really neat pieces. It's always nice to dream. Later in the day I went with a friend to a BBQ over on Alki Beach. This beach house was right on the water and as soon as we got out of the car I could smell the salt water. Of course the sky was gray and the air a litte chilly but the sound of the waves was literally right at the doorstep. I learned how to play a new game called Ladder Golf. I'd like to think that my years of playing bean bag toss at the lake helped with my skills as I definitely had beginners luck!
Today Joe actually had a Sunday off! We went to the Arboretum which is a park full of trails nearby so I could try out my hiking boots. I will admit that they are comfortable to walk in but the cuteness factor is still low. It was nice to have the fresh air and the time together. Sometimes it feels like our lives are going parallel with our work schedules and time together is not always a given.
Today was one of the days where I missed something important as Emily's bridal shower was today. I got to see pictures and hear about it but it's not the same as being there. I struggle sometimes with wanting to be two places at once and realizing some sacrafices will need to be made from time to time. So far telling myself hasn't made it any easier....still waiting for that to happen. And so it goes....

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