Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holiday shoppers- Oh my!

Holiday shopping is always an interesting (and sometimes stressful) time of year. I'm feeling the pressure a bit more this year as I have to count on the efficiency of the postal service to deliver the goods and I can't wait until the last minute. This weekend found me again in the thick of the shopping central downtown and at the market. I was hoping for some inspiration for the few last gifts we have to buy. But I found myself focused less on the shopping and more on the people milling about. Street performers were out in full force at Pike Place. My favorite was a guitar player who was hula hooping while shaking his shoes that had chestnut shells on them. Very creative! Of course a close second was the guitar player who was the singing the worst (and slowest) version of the 12 days of Christmas I've ever heard! Amongst the hustle and bustle of holiday shoppers I couldn't help but take note of the interesting attire that people chose to wear for a day out. Let's just say there was more than one person who could have vied for a spot on "What Not To Wear." Of course I couldn't help but take note of all the different boots walking by. They are my envy of choice this season and I try and remind Joe whenever I can about what I would like from Santa. :-) It's amazing how my ramblings always come back to shoes.......
Last night we went out with Charlie to an area known as Georgetown which sits south of Seattle sort of tucked away in the industrial district. There was an art show that Charlie had read about and wanted to check so off we trecked. Housed in a small fire house was some interesting displays of what people call "art." From jewelry to pottery to the guy trying to promote his band wearing a hot pink wig and tiara, it was an electic environment to say the least. We all walked away with a little something so I guess it was worth going to. We experienced yet another Mexican restaurant (much to Joe's delight) and after a few cocktails at one of our nearby breweries we were ready to call it a night.
My last task of the weekend is to come up with some creative therapy activities for the next two weeks. I still think my creative juices are packed away somewhere and I don't know if I have the energy to go digging. Fa Lalala Lifetime movies sound like a better way to unwind before the week begins.....

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